plantboy goes digital

...because it's cool to be green and bitwise.

Friday, February 04, 2005



Yeah, right. I'm sorry but there's no undoing this one. The planetary features like global climate change that we've been discovering lately are not the type of things that we can just 'undo.' As if we were accidentally added a few too many sentences on greenhouse gases to our global Microsoft Word document or something. "Oops! Guess we'll just have to undo that! Now let's go get a cup of coffee while we wait for the planetary computer to process our request for the next several million years."

I think it's great that somebody's got a petition to stop producing so many greenhouse emissions, but handing out false hope isn't doing anybody any good. And global climate change isn't so bad anyway, unless you happen to be an arctic or antarctic species. Bummer, Mr. Polar Bear. Sorry we didn't plan our industrial revolution better, but after all, we're only humans.