plantboy goes digital

...because it's cool to be green and bitwise.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

Inspired by a short conversation after a Saul Williams show:

There is a pattern
There is a thread

There is
A thought

There is a person
A mind
A dream

There is a voice that does not echo
There is a language without words

There is

You know what I'm talking about.
Don't act otherwise, because
There is a mirror in which you see yourself

There is

There is a tree
A leaf
A seed

There is a flower, whose petals shine like sunbeams
There is a set of four lacy filigreed wings


There is love

There is a tie
It binds that thread to the loom
To the shuttle

There IS a fabric

There is.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

This ought to be interesting.

My father has been hounding me for years to start a blog. It must have paid off. It's hard to imagine what kind of decisions I'd make in the absence of his feverish guidance. Anyway, here I am. Life is lovely and hideous, as usual, and I'm feeling decent these days.

The Sequoia outside my house is generating an army of pollen cones in preparation for Spring. I'm studying statistics. Given a choice, I think I'd rather be generating pollen cones. With statistics I could determine the probability that one in every ten pollen cones weighs more than 2 grams, but for some reason, I'm not thrilled at the prospect. I keep telling myself that it will all be over in a month, and then I'll be in Costa Rica. In the mean time, I'm in Washington. I haven't seen the sun for weeks, and statistics have increased the probability that I will go insane within the near future. How near? What probability? Well, let me pull out my graphing calculator...

I just got a job at my school, doing web design. I'm thrilled. I could not have asked for a more rewarding or pleasant position. My current contract expires when I leave the country, but I may be able to pick up in June where I leave off next month.

That's all for now. Class starts in T minus nine hours and counting.