Brain candy rots your neurons
I've been reading a book called Everthing You Know Is Wrong, by Lloyd Pye. I think the title should be officially changed to Everything You Will Read In This Book Is Misleading and Uninformed. I have only reached page thirty, and I have already amassed enough hard feelings toward the author that I don't think I'll be able to take anything he says seriously for the rest of the book. Of course, I suspected before I read it that this was a likely outcome, since the premise of the book is that life on this planet was seeded by extraterrestrials and continues to be tampered with to this day. I think the author will eventually propose that the planet Earth is basically a giant science experiment set up by some alien race. But that is not what pisses me off. Quite to the contrary in fact; I do not find the alien science experiment idea to be entirely implausible. Rather it is the method by which Mr. Pye has written his introductory chapter, brimming with half-baked ideas and flinging ill-conceived insults in every direction imaginable, which leaves me foaming at the mouth.
He's attempted to systematically debunk the theory of evolution, from Darwin on to the present day. Unfortunately, his understanding of evolution is unforgivably confused. He uses the fact that there are still many phenomena unexplained by the various theories of evolution to assert that all these theories are almost entirely wrong. Unfortunately, many of his observations and statements are either totally misguided or simply not true. Here's an example I found particularly infuriating:
"Yet to the great frustration of scientists everywhere, there is no discernable evidence of "upward" evolution or between the flowering plants and/or insects. With what would seem to be millions of opportunities to find any kind of transitional forms--say a houselfy becoming a firefly--scientists remain embarassingly empty-handed."
This is completely ridiculous. A housefly is about as closely related to a firefly as a mouse is to a chimpanzee. Of course there is no example of a transitional form between the two. What complete nonsense! This sort of observation does about as much to disprove the validity of Darwinism as it does to prove that California is part of China. Furthermore, i can personally list several current and fossilized examples of the transitional forms leading up to and within the flowering plants. Here's one: the Gnetophyta, a small but highly significant group of seed plants which are pretty darn "transitional" between their less evolved ancestors and the flowering plants. Another example is the Hawaiian silversword tribe, the Madiinae, recently evolved into many very unusual forms and believed to have descended from a primitive version of a current Californian alpine plant known as tarweed.
Grrr... I could go on and on but I won't. Seriously, I have no problem with scientific progress by way of the proposition of new theories and the criticism of old ones, but this deceptive drivel is completely without value. Lloyd Pye, you should be ashamed of yourself. Do us all a favor and return to the mothership before you have the opportunity to publish any more defamatory nonsense.
On the positive side, if this crapola can get published, then so can you, or me, or your grandmother's dog Precious, for that matter. Start the presses!
He's attempted to systematically debunk the theory of evolution, from Darwin on to the present day. Unfortunately, his understanding of evolution is unforgivably confused. He uses the fact that there are still many phenomena unexplained by the various theories of evolution to assert that all these theories are almost entirely wrong. Unfortunately, many of his observations and statements are either totally misguided or simply not true. Here's an example I found particularly infuriating:
"Yet to the great frustration of scientists everywhere, there is no discernable evidence of "upward" evolution or between the flowering plants and/or insects. With what would seem to be millions of opportunities to find any kind of transitional forms--say a houselfy becoming a firefly--scientists remain embarassingly empty-handed."
This is completely ridiculous. A housefly is about as closely related to a firefly as a mouse is to a chimpanzee. Of course there is no example of a transitional form between the two. What complete nonsense! This sort of observation does about as much to disprove the validity of Darwinism as it does to prove that California is part of China. Furthermore, i can personally list several current and fossilized examples of the transitional forms leading up to and within the flowering plants. Here's one: the Gnetophyta, a small but highly significant group of seed plants which are pretty darn "transitional" between their less evolved ancestors and the flowering plants. Another example is the Hawaiian silversword tribe, the Madiinae, recently evolved into many very unusual forms and believed to have descended from a primitive version of a current Californian alpine plant known as tarweed.
Grrr... I could go on and on but I won't. Seriously, I have no problem with scientific progress by way of the proposition of new theories and the criticism of old ones, but this deceptive drivel is completely without value. Lloyd Pye, you should be ashamed of yourself. Do us all a favor and return to the mothership before you have the opportunity to publish any more defamatory nonsense.
On the positive side, if this crapola can get published, then so can you, or me, or your grandmother's dog Precious, for that matter. Start the presses!
At August 4, 2004 at 7:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Check out Chet Raymo, Cody:
We saw him at University Bookstore when he was book touring his latest CLIMBING BRANDON. We're going to climb Brandon when we're in Ireland.
Chet is one cool cat.
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